Read the latest SAE alumni and chapter news here. These stories are distributed to alumni monthly via our email newsletter.*

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Steven Saltzman ‘85: “Sigma Alpha Epsilon was our home.”

For over 30 years, Steven Saltzman ‘85 served as Chapter Advisor to the Pennsylvania Theta Chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon, fueled by his desire to m

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The older we get, the more we need our friends—and the harder it is to keep them

When you’re in middle age, you start to realize how very much you need your friends. After d

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The Spring 2023 Sigma Alpha Epsilon Pennsylvania


Did you receive your Spring 2023 edition of Sigma Alpha Epsilon Pennsylvania? If not, you're missing out! If you didn't receive your copy in the mail, send your current mailing address to us at and let us know to add you to the Penn Theta Chapter at UPenn mailing list. To read the digit

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